Canine Customers
Dog Friendly Shops
Please see below for shops at Wellington Square which welcome dogs:
Bluecorn Bakery, Caffe Nero, Card Factory, CeX, Cigara, Elizabeths, F Hinds, Faking It, Hays Travel, Holland & Barrett, Katie’s Kards, Peacocks Greengrocers, Ramsdens, Stockton Shop Mobility, The Works and Warren James.
Look out for our dog-friendly stickers in shop windows – you may be able to pick up a treat or two as well!
Dog Friendly Rules
We ask that you follow the simple petiquette outlined below when you bring your dog to Wellington Square, so everyone has a pleasant experience:
- Dogs should always be on a lead when visiting Wellington Square.
- Do not leave your dog unattended or unsupervised at any time.
- Don’t let your dog disturb shoppers by barking, jumping up, or pestering them.
- Please clean up after your dog.
- While on these premises, you are responsible for your dog